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More than a cup of coffee

一杯咖啡,為人們締造不同生活體驗,細味自由空間。Cozy Coffee於2018年開業,企業旨在為香港人提供舒適休閑的處所, 讓人暫且放慢緊張的生活節奏,品嚐優質咖啡及精美食物。


「取諸社會,用諸社會」是Cozy Coffee創辦人的企業 理 念,隨著咖啡文化於香港日漸盛行,企業希望為有熱誠的年青人提供培訓及就業機會,讓青年與咖啡事業,皆得以 可 持續長遠發展。


此外,Cozy Coffee為盡一點社會責任, 為 青年提供就業機會之餘,亦希望讓弱勢社群可以感受到關懷。Cozy Coffee與啓愛共融青年中心 (以下簡稱 J Life )長期合作, J Life 的機構理念「食物支援 、 教育培訓下一代 、 助人自助」既幫助有需要的弱勢社群,同時重視培養個人能力,從而令弱勢社群作出改變。自2018年開業第一天,每售出一杯飲品 ,無論盈虧 ,Cozy Coffee都捐出港幣一元給J Life,以支援其日常運作,為弱勢社群提供服務。

A cup of coffee creates an alternative lifestyle, allowing us to savor freedom and space. Since its establishment in 2018, Cozy Coffee strives to create a leisure environment for HKers to unwind from the bustling city life and enjoy delicate food and coffee.


The founders of Cozy Coffee are committed to the corporate belief of “giving back to the society that bred you.” With the growing popularity of coffee culture in Hong Kong, we hope to provide employment and training to the younger generation. Their involvement will nurture and sustain this culture.


In addition to providing opportunities to the younger generation, Cozy Coffee is also dedicated to giving back to the community and helping the underserved in Hong Kong. Cozy Coffee has been in a long-term partnership with J Life, a non-profit organisation which aims to provide the underprivileged with short-term food relief, educational opportunities, and essential tools to eventually become self-reliant in society. Since its opening day in 2018, Cozy Coffee has donated HK$1 to J Life for every beverage sold to support its daily operations and contribute to the welfare of underprivileged communities.

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